Los animales lindos son separados: las parejas se unen y verlos aplaudir en el juego de puzzle Animalines!

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Adéntrate en las habitaciones de la siniestra mansión de los Margrave. En la piel de Edwina Margrave deberás encontrar a tu abuelo que desapareció misteriosamente hace diez años. Tu única pista es una extraña puerta c...
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Última prueba de reflejo, ingenio y rapidez. Utilizar el mundo de la física en este desafiante juego de puzzle de plataformas. A/d o izquierda/derecha para moverse. W, UP o la barra espaciadora para saltar. Todo lo de...
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Are you a skilled ceramist? If you are, join the game. Pottery is an excellent arcade game. In the game, you can sculpt twenty amazing shapes while enjoying a peaceful mind. The proper method for you to get all 3 star...
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Guess the secret of the little puzzle. The goal of the game is to collect pieces of the same color in each corner. To move a chip, move the mouse pointer over it and, pressing the left button on it, move the pointer, ...
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Swap blocks in order to make a group of 3 or more identical items adjacent horizontally or vertically. Keep matching till you collect the required number of items. There is 36 interesting challenges in this game.Use m...
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Trap Tap Puzzle challenges players to navigate through a maze of traps using quick reflexes and strategic tapping. To avoid pitfalls and obstacles, players must tap their way to victory, collecting rewards and unlocki...
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